Food Stamp Challenge #1: Replace $1.59 Wendy’s Jr. Bacon

Replacing the quintessential cheap fast food: The CheeseBurger   $1.59 or $1.54? You could probably make a straight up better cheeseburger, but I’m looking for instant satisfaction, quick and portable. I’ll be packing or eating at home, so I wanted a similar convenience. I thought a quick charcuterie-type food would be my perfect quick ‘snack…

Fried Chicken Wings the “Healthy” Way?

I had a challenge on Twitter yesterday about whether I’d be eating (and I think buying a round of) chicken wings in the name of health. Ok, I’ll take that challenge. Can chicken wings be healthy? Or at least let’s say less unhealthy?

A Healthier Version of Zucchini Brownies

I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t zucchini in brownies healthy enough?!?!   You’d think so, but just throwing in a single vegetable may not be quite enough. Heathy food is about how the foods interact and balance each other, what is present and how those foods act and react within your system. So mainstream or conventional nutritional advice is…

Lemongrass infused Risotto with summer vegetables, herbs and honey

Lemongrass infused Risotto with summer vegetables, herbs and honey There is something about fragrant herbs that send me into a tizzy of happiness. Lemongrass, basil and mint make this heaven, and I wanted to create a recipe that highlighted summer flavors like  corn and tomato which pop out of this dish partnered perfectly with the honey, …

Light on Olive oil Basil Pesto

Lemon Basil Pesto A friend of mine wanted me to make a pesto with less olive oil, traditional Pesto is made with a good helping of olive oil (see an Italian Grandmother’s recipe, my typical type recipe), but here is a version she claims is the best she’s ever had. Enjoy!

Why you should make Mayonnaise and Turn it into Ranch (recipe included)

The making of my Ranch dressing starts with mayonnaise. The reasonings behind why I think these simple sauces may have great importance in improving our health and in the healthfulness of meals is what “The Meal Matters Most” and Mayonnaise being a Health Food is all about. With the obesity epidemic and chronic disorders on…

Sesame vs Flax Seeds. Part 1

Roasted sesame seeds taste like candy to me. Utterly mind-blowingly delicious. Flax seeds? Taste like dirt. (Well, my opinion anyways, does anyone even “taste” flax seeds?!?) Flax seeds were planted and cultivated for thousands of years to make fiber, rugs and clothing, they became a popular food about 20 or 30 years ago when Omega-3…

The War on Cheese. Real Cheese Wins.

From a calorie model cheese is bad for you, it is high in saturated fats, salt and calories. From a stress model perspective cheese might not only be great for us, but according to a recent anthropological find that cheese has been being made for over 7,500 years. Cheese may even have been one the…

Adventures in Making Thank You Brownies

My neighbor came and shoveled my walkway and used his fancy blowing machine on my driveway. So I thought I might say “Thanks” with some brownies. Problem was I was pretty much still snowed in and I don’t really bake, let’s give it a go anyway….So collected anything I might have that resembles ingredients you…